Tribal, Folk, And Nomadic Communities In Rajputana States

राजस्थान में आदिवासी, लोक और खानाबदोश समुदाय
Author : Sangeeta Sharma, Neekee Chaturvedi, Jigyasa Meena
Language : English, Hindi
Edition : 2023
ISBN : 9789394649651
Publisher : Rajasthani Granthagar

Original price was: ₹695.00.Current price is: ₹549.00.

SKU: 9789394649651 Categories: ,

Tribal, Folk, And Nomadic Communities In Rajputana States

(Negotiating Space in the Mainstream) Tribal Folk Nomadic Communities

The present compendium has evolved out of the National Conference organised by Department of History and Indian Culture, University of Rajasthan and sponsored by Indian Council of Historical Research on the theme ‘Tribal, Folk, and Nomadic Communities in Rajputana States’. Contributed by eminent historians, sociologists, and experts on tribal studies, the essays in the volume have thrown significant light on numerous dimensions of these communities invisibilised and neglected in historical writings. Along with a sophisticated and profound critique of tribal and nomadic historiography, the essays shine a light on the relations of these communities with non-tribal groups of Indian society. Significant political, economic and cultural transitions amongst these communities as a result of political and economic exigencies have been explored in insightful articles.

The encroachment on their spaces by sundry political actors-Rajput rulers as well as British administrators- as also their struggles to negotiate space for their distinctive cultural and social institutions has been explored in the volume. The efforts and innovations introduced to raise the moral, economic and political stature of the communities by the leaders within and outside the community as well as state and non-state actors has also been dealt with by a few contributors. Apart from their historical trajectory, the dismal indicators of development amongst these groups in contemporary times have also been commented upon by sociologists and tribal activists.

The volume, though not very comprehensive, is inclusive enough to include diverse tribal groups like Bhils, Sahariyas and Meenas, nomadic groups like Gadiya Luhars as well as folk communities like Bishnois. In that sense, the volume is a rich addition to the existing knowledge on these marginalised groups.

राजपूताना राज्यों में आदिवासी, लोक और खानाबदोश समुदाय (मुख्यधारा में बातचीत की जगह)

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